Friendly Comments

Posted: June 19, 2012 by MedievalUser in General Info

We received a lot of encouragement and we’d like to thank all of the friendly commentators. Following is a short selection of the more interesting opinions.

These kids actually restore my faith in the younger generation!!! Well done kiddies!!!!


These childs are really amazing:

This cute sweetheart behind the drum AND harp (what a rythm feeling!), the “frontman”, playing e-guitar AND violine (a virtuoso!), the “goddess of keyboard” (full concentrated!) – unbelievable…!

Will watch more of them – tumbs up!


Your reasoning for why they shouldn’t listen to Rammstein is pretty weak.

Many children, that are now hard working, stable adults grew up listening to music JUST like this.

I’m an example, I was only 9 years old in 1995 when Rammstein started becoming popular and I’ve loved them ever since and guess what, I had NO CLUE what they were saying, mainly because it was in German – but I felt the music and it was fantastic.


Have been a Rammstein fan for years, seen many covers through the years too, but nothing beats this ! In one word – INCREDIBLE !


Wow. Now there’s raw talent right there. I absolutely love the violin at the end, slightly out of tune but that is why I love it so much – It’s very fitting for the song. Awesome!


Unbelievably beautiful. I love you guys. That made my year…!


THIS IS SO ADORABLE! I love it! I wont have to be afraid of the music of the future!


I dropped a tear at the end. If these were my kids, I’d be so proud of them…


I was blown away by the whole thing! Especially the young girl on the drums she kept great beat… But when the kid put down the bass and picked up the violin… That was epic… Just epic!!! Most inspiring video on YouTube????!


So this is a song that’s perfect to me – I think it literally can’t get any better, and I’d never make a cover of it myself because I don’t feel I’d do it justice. But this, man. This was freaking amazing! Do you mind me asking how old they are I teach drums for a living and I can confidently say that the wee girl is a lot better than some of my older students 🙂


And, the rule: “If you can’t say anything nice about somebody, then, do not say anything at all” I usually don’t care about “the children;” however, CMB is beyond exception and should be commended for their talent and efforts. Well Done! I’m incredibly impressed. Also, thank you Parents of the children. It is rare to find Parents that actually allow their children to cultivate their art and witness the sheer joy of their babies God given Talent. Denver! CMB love and honor your Parents! Angelic

The little baby was rockin out on that drum. Then,she promptly stopped to play her Harp. How precious is that For those that do not appreciate the talent, follow through, and the courage of steel that the majority of adults lack by making comments such as ‘vanessa schellmann’s’ quote, “i dont Like it,” take classes from these educated children. They could teach adults how to type a sentence.


I´m glad that new generation won´t only listen to Nicki Minaj and Justin Bieber. I´m proud of you! 😀


Good Parenting….Good parenting everywhere…let me congratulate their parents as it is very dificult to get the kids nowadays interested in cultural things like instrument playing and ofcourse good music…


Just recently began listening to Rammstein and love it, now to find these youngsters playing their song’s and even opening for them in Denver is remarkable for both the children and Rammstein. I do hope they continue to enjoy music and bring this joy to other’s, Music the only language everyone can understand that binds us together.


Ok. Now, i’ve been learning German for 2 years, and this little kid can sing in German more fluently that I can! Now that’s impressive!
(And memorize the song) Your other children were flawless. The girl on the keyboard memorized how to play the whole thing flawlessly without a single mistake, and the girl on the drums memorized all the beats perfectly, and on top of that, your daughters’ vocals were right on key! Awesome job! You have just earned 3 more subscribers!


those kids are awesome!! couldn’t take my eyes of the little girl that played the drums in such a little age with such good timing!!! waiting forward to see an album in the future from you!! keep on rocking!!!


One of the very few times that I’m actually proud to be Romanian! Love it, kids! Keep going! You’re doing an amazing job!


Cute Drummer. I loved her. she tried to get every beat on tempo nice job. 🙂 Even she looks more cute when she tried to put that drum sticks too early at 3:14 but she played Harp well too. sorry but I was just looking her in whole video. God bless to all of you.


You kids are great! And the performance is excellent! Keep playing, keep listening to good music (Rammstein…) practice a lot and above all: love your parents! I think you have great parents and they support your music. In response, give them all the love and happiness in the world. And school. Be good and it seems you have a gift for languages and music – go with it!. To the parents: well done! And they are sweet!


I discovered you with the Sonne cover and recently decided to check back on you guys again. So very good. You make an Hendrix fan proud!


These kids are awesome! Rammstein has been my favorite band since I was 10 years old and this made me cry. I’m pretty much speechless.


I really love the attitude of these children, not only are talented, have too much attitude and feeling… I love the way that girl play the drums… God bless them…


I’m a teacher and love many types of music from classical to rock. Have really enjoyed watching all the videos and not only do they have raw talent – music skills and ease with performing – but they seem to really enjoy what they are doing. I love that they perform intricate timings & harmonize, but I also love that it is not toooo perfect. A bit like the diff between listening to a cd which is never as good as the thrill of listening live! I hope they have fun with music in their futures. 🙂


I’ve been a musician for 24 years and I know talent when I see and hear a band. You kids are excellent and have a great future ahead of yourselves!


Been watching your children with delight since they did ‘Sonne’. They sound BRILLIANT when they sing together. It’s great to watch your son’s voice change and mature. I know the little things my daughter does make me proud – you must be fit to burst with pride, and you should be! Who comes up with the musical arrangement for them, may i ask I think they should do more stuff where they sing together as they sound so good. Some harmonies maybe Well done kids! Rammfans of the UK love you!


this isn’t the first video of theirs i’ve seen tonight, and my jaw is still on the floor.


I’m from Germany and I love you!! So young and talented !! Please go on ! Go your way !!!! You’ll make it 🙂


Amazing, I wish the best for the kids (and mom and dad ofcourse!) and that they will continue to find music enjoyable and progress as musicians! So far it only seems promising seeing how good they are! 🙂



Listen to them playing Rammstein, The Beatles, make me realize that news generations still enjoy the great music.

So proud! Greatings from Costa Rica


Yeah haha well I think I posted a comment on Rammstein’s facebook page about the video saying that it would be amazing if they opened a concert for them, and it just happened!!!!! how amazing is that!!! I love it! it proves that Rammstein might read the fans comments! 😀 congratulations to you for posting the video and to the kids for being such great openers of Rammstein, and to Rammstein for being such great unique band. 😀


AMAZING! To see them play in their home so well was outstanding but to see them perform live and at that caliber is simply amazing. They are phenominal and hats off to Rammstein to including them to their pre-show.


One hallmark of a professional is that when things aren’t right — when you mess up at the start because you’re nervous, when the sound board sucks and gives feedback in the monitors, when you flub a guitar line, whatever — you soldier on and finish the song already. Your kids are troupers, already more professional than a lot of supposedly professional acts.

Congrats. Character shows. And kudos to Rammstein for extending this opportunity and being so gracious and supportive and kind.


Without flattery, if don’t watch that you are young kids and this is cutest drummer ever – this song is really great performed! Big big greetings from Rammstein Russia Community! You rock!


Oh man, this is really great! It´s amazing that you can feel the “Rammstein power” with these simple instruments. Thank God that your parents know what good music is 😉

Greetings from Germany!!!

Thanks again, friends!


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